Category Archives: Life & Fun Stuff

From Me, With Love – An invitation to go deeper…

I’ve had a little brainwave – a little moment of clarity – and a deep, hungry want to get cozy with you on a subject that’s been holding my attention recently.

I wanna talk tarot. I want to get the conversation started on intuition and creativity. I want to explore the sub-conscious and feel in awe of our depths. And I want to do it with you!

I realize this topic isn’t for everyone and right now I’m looking to re-vamp LightingLittleFires with an eye to more musings on Art-making and Creativity in Everyday Life, as well as my own Artsy endeavors.

Tarot Newsletter

So I’ve created a newsletter, dedicated to the metaphysical discussion, full of original content that I won’t be publishing on LightingLittleFires. If you’re game, I’ll pop into your inbox every New and Full Moon (not sure when the next newsletter is? Why, just look out your window!)

Sign up below and look out for the first installment this Wednesday!


And, hey, if it’s not for you no worries! That’s the beauty of the ‘opt-in’…the decision is yours!

A Flash of Inspiration

I’ve been watching and re-watching this interview for a fortnight now. Pure artistic-insight gold!

Flash Rosenberg can hold my attention any day of the week!


And when I tell people I do all four of those things [writing, photography, cartooning, performance] they’d say ‘but what do you really do?!’

And that to me as absurd a question as somebody saying ‘You’ve got four kids, what one do you like?!’….

– Flash Rosenberg, ‘Attention span for hire’

Studying Art

‘If you invest in Art, if you study your self Art, you become a freedom fighter immediately because your life changes…you start thinking!’

– Vivienne Westwood

~ What do you think about Vivienne’s take on Art?

~ Do you approach Art as self study? And if you did, do you think that would change the Art you make?

~ If you see me at work with a copy of ‘Catcher in the Rye’ under my arm, you’ll know why. Fashion advice that makes sense from a woman who knows what a fashion statement really is!

If you’re interested in exploring the ‘how’s, ‘why’s and ‘wherefore’s of your own Art-making more closely the next round of Creative Scaffolding kicks off next week and I’d love for you to be part of it. You can find all the details here and the conversation, as always, continues below in the comments…

The Power of Asking ‘Why?’

Last night I was sent an advance copy of an ebook a friend of mine is writing. It’s about writing. It’s about writing your life, writing your truth, whether anyone else will ever read it or not. I hope that once it’s finished I’ll get to share it with you here but until then…

As soon as I read the introduction I knew what I wanted to do. I wanted to put pen to paper. I wanted to write. I was compelled to write.

The sensation feels similar to hunger. It gnaws at me. I need to feed the hole, but instead of in my stomach, this hole is in my brain. Like an itch deep in my head that I can only get to through the forming of words on a page. Typing them doesn’t help all that much.

This time of year always does it to me. There is something about Autumn. Today is the first day of rain in Vancouver this season and it has bucketed down for 24 hours straight. The constant drip and patter outside is the perfect soundtrack for mulling things over.

Maybe I romanticized Robert Frost writing in the New England Autumn a little too much…

Either way, today I had to write.  And not even knowing where to begin, just knowing I wanted to write, I posed the obvious question to myself since no obvious answer had ever presented itself to me before.

Why do I feel compelled to write?

I’m a musician. I’m not an author or a journalist or a lawyer or a screenwriter or even a particularly  prolific letter writer. I’m a terribly inconsistent blogger (like I said typing doesn’t really do it for me in the same way). Writing is somewhat archaic, somewhat useless, somewhat eclipsed by emails and texts and ‘magazine’ literature, but somewhat necessary. It won’t die. It’s just not necessarily respected like it should be. Is this all just a terrible hangover from school and new stationary in September? Why the itch? Why the hunger?

Why do I feel compelled to write?

I want to write because it feels good.

I want to write because I know how.

I want to write because writing leads to beautiful things like songs and poems.

I want to write because it’s good for my health. I feel like I burn more calories and get stretched out just by writing.

I want to write because I am full of opinions. Full.

I want to write because it has that old-fashioned allure. Fountain pen anyone?

I want to write because writers are respected, even bad ones. Especially good ones.

I want to write because I love messing around with words.

I want to write because carving out a cathedral of words in the English language means something – even if it’s just for yourself, in service of your day.

English was made for writers and artists. English was made to be messed with. There is a reason it’s the only language I speak fluently.

I own my command of the English language and when I sing words like

‘There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.’

or read

‘…palm to palm is holy palmers’ kiss…’

I feel good inside. I feel like new again.

Ah! Itch scratched!

Knowing why you feel compelled to make the art you do, create in the ways you love, gives you incredible power. Power to continue creating in the face of a culture that doesn’t rate these pursuits like it should.

Writing for writings sake? Not exactly something to put on your CV…or is it?!

The next round of Creative Scaffolding kicks off next week and if you want to explore why you feel compelled to create and what it means for you, this is the place.

This is the place where you see just how useful, just how of-service, just how vital, practical, bankable your urge to create is. As far as I’m concerned it’s make-or-break important! It’s the thing that gets you the job (Yes! Creatives troubleshoot, improvise, see new possibilities, collaborate…who wouldn’t want to hire that?) helps you raise your awesome kids, makes you an engaging person, makes you unique and whole and happy.

I really hope you’ll join me. You can find all the details here

What do you feel compelled to create? WHY?

I’d love to hear what you have to say in the comments below…Happy Writing!

Creative Scaffolding: The Autumn Edition

Ladies and Gentlemen! Artists and Creative-souls…

Creative Scaffolding will be happening again (HURRAY!) starting this month and I’m super-duper excited to share it through a whole new platform.

As well as the wonderful in-person, Vancouver-based round of the Creative Scaffolding, I’m also offering it ONLINE for the first time ever! This open the magic up to people all over the world or people in Vancouver who can’t make the meetings. All the same juicy value but over the internet and accessible whenever you want to enjoy at, your own pace!

Tomorrow I’ll be posting up all the specific details and a video of moi outlining the two course options and which would work best for you.

For now you can skip over to the Creative Scaffolding page and read-up on all the hows and whys of it…

I hope you’re as excited as I am! I can’t wait to go on this journey with you, especially during this inspiring season of change…here’s to an Autumn of infinite creative possibilities!

See you tomorrow!