Tag Archives: live

How to Make Procrastination Your BFF! – A Telejam

No, seriously! It’s possible – Procrastination doesn’t have to be the bane of your life.

It’s more like an awkward dinner guest that you wish hadn’t come but by the end of the night has chatted to everyone (including your cranky aunty who never approves of anyone) and is standing over the sink washing the dishes while you enjoy your third slice of cake. It can be that good!

Let me show you how!

Join me on Wednesday, June 5th at 1pm PST for a one-hour jam that I hope will ultimately end the deadlock in your life and have you more productive than ever before.

I’ll also be making time at the end of the call for a Q+A on CREATIVE SCAFFOLDING, a 4-week guided adventure to unlock your innate Artist, find your own personal frame-work for engaging creativity and court inspiration in all you do!

:: Learn my 4 Golden Rules to Befriending Procrastination

:: Why we need Procrastination on our side instead if pushing against it and…

:: What to do when you just have no choice but to get the work done (otherwise known as ‘You Have One Hour to get Your Dreaded Jazz Harmony Homework Done – GO!’)

:: As well as all the juicy details on Creative Scaffolding and what to expect from 4 weeks of creative canoodling with moi.

My sincere hope is that this call will be of practical use to you. I’ll be sharing things that I learned the hard way, insights I wish I had had when I was in college and felt immobilized by a wall of procrastination that felt more akin to a straightjacket. There is no reason why work, Art or life need ever be this hard for anyone else…

And if you can’t make the call live, fear not! There will be a recording sent straight to your inbox for good measure, yours to keep forever and listen to whenever you need a pep-talk.

Just click the giant star below and sign up for all the details and call-in info. I can’t wait to get this party started with you…

sign me up!

Fiddler’s Green 2010

Phew! July is speeding to a climactic finish and I am still trying to digest all that has happened since last we spoke. It is always a dangerous thing to take ‘a few days for myself’ away from the blog. I felt I deserved it after the wonderful chaos and community of ‘A Midsummer Day’s Dream’ but a few days became a week and suddenly the Festival was upon me. Chances of blogging during Festival – slim to none. Things to blog about during Festival – incalculable!

So let’s get started…

Fiddler’s Green Festival takes place every year in my boooootiful home town of Rostrevor. Since the beginning of my memories living here (we moved from Belfast when Lil Sis No.1 was born, so I was 4) the Festival has been the mark of mid-summer holidays. Always at the end of July, we knew that the Festival meant evening Ceili’s (Irish set dancing parties, usually to a live band) in the village square, ice cream, possibly a ramble up the ‘hills’ and wall to wall quality Irish folk and traditional music for 7 days running. Yup, the summer was good for an inquisitive little music lover like myself who had no problem pairing up with friendly old ladies for the ‘Walls of Limerick’! (Thanks to my Nana Moriarty for teaching me the steps in her living room)

Thanks to the Fiddler’s Green we’ve had such amazing acts pass through our wee dot on the map as Eddie Reader, Mary Black, Paddy Moloney (of The Cheiftains), Andy Irvine, The Dubliners, and Pete Seeger (WOW!) to name but a few. Even Seamus Heaney paid a visit in 2000! Seeing incredibly talented and dedicated musicians play live was a revelation to me. I had always really enjoyed trad. (traditional) music and folk but, sure, it wasn’t very cool. Kind of like admitting you like Country or something, so I kept it a bit quiet even though I learned the tinwhistle and played in the trad. group at school. But in Rostrevor, it was cool!  It was more than cool…these people were magical. Their fingers blurred as they segued into the next tune and my mind expanded at a rate of knots.

Many a gig seen here has changed my musical outlook, encouraged me to practice harder and inspired me to song-write/sing/play with passion. In fact, I do believe my first ever gig with a band was at the Fiddler’s Green, under the name ‘Alchemy’ and a few mates from school.

As Tommy Sands so rightly said this year at ‘The Music of Healing’ concert,

“In Ireland, family always comes home for Christmas. In Rostrevor, family always comes home for the Festival!”

So as you can probably gather from all my waxing lyrical about it, I love the Festival and I had a brilliant time this year! I gigged for the first time in TWO years. I heard great music, saw old friends and made loads of new ones. I then promptly got sick on the last weekend. I battled through with the help of vitamin C, baths, tea and essential oils but I was shattered by the time it all wound to a close on Sunday night. I have been hibernating since then but am now ready to Face the World (cyberly) and spill the beans over the next few days on this years Festival! Stay tuned…(heehee, literally…)

You an learn more about the Festival, its history, the Hall of Fame Award, who has graced it stages before and how you could come next year if you want (oh, yes please, do come!!) at its official website -> HERE <- and you can get in on the Fiddler’s Facebook action right -> HERE <-