Monthly Archives: October 2010

Divide & Conquer: Reviewing Resolutions

New Year’s Eve 2009, Sydney Harbour

Dear Lord, have you seen what date it is?! It’s practically NOVEMBER! So I thought it might be a good time to have a little look back in the rearview mirror and check out my resolutions from January.

With only 2 months left in the year now is the time to look at where you hoped to be by now and where you have actually got to and then adjust accordingly. There is always time…

Reviewing Resolutions

Now on first glance this does not look good. Many things have gone un-done. We  (my self, my ego and the part of me that loves ‘Clueless’…I’m a Gemini. It gets crowded in here) must remember all the amazing things we have accomplished this year like still being alive and not falling off the ladder while painting last week!

Most importantly now that we can see what hasn’t been accomplished, we can re-commit to doing it…or decided it’s no longer important (get out clauses are great and I put a nice juicy fat one in my resolutions). I like to think it’s win-win either way. So here goes…

» Finally record my album. I have the songs, and when I get back home, I’d have the time. I just have to organise it all and do it. Riiiight…hmmm…this one hasn’t been successful as of yet and is a particularly tender subjuct with many people who all want to know WHY NOT?! I would like to know that as well…

» I will build on the success and fun of Craftmas and organise other craft-a-longs This particular resolution has been a resounding success I would say. ‘A Midsummer Day’s Dream’ went well and I definitely plan to do ‘Craftmas’ again…pat on back for me!

» Publish my knitting patterns and develop a left-of-centre knitting idea I’ve had in my head for ages…more of this to be revealed here as it happens. Interesting one. Many, many knitting pattern ideas have been squirrelled away in my notebook, some even knitted up and written out but not published. I am just one step away from meeting this target. It shall be done!

» Do yoga at least 4 times a week, as much to make a little head space as to make me a little fitter. Complete and utter disaster! Personal fitness and meditation has gone the way of the dodo. I am slowly turning into a blobby mound of uncentred, unfocussed, unstretched rice pudding. Mmmmm rice pudding sounds good right now…

» Create! Be more free about writing, painting, journalling…doesn’t matter how it comes out, what it looks/sounds like, just do it! JUST DO IT! This includes writing with the wonderful Miss Alix Cirac. We have a long standing arrangement to write something together, and gosh darn it, we will do it this year! This is an interesting one. On the creative front I think I haven’t done to bad, making time to dip into inpiration pretty regularly. The specific writing goal however hasn’t happened, though with NaNoWriMo just days away from beginning I think I’ll be able to tick this one off with a bit of luck and caffeine.

» Learn to drive. Well I have to learn sometime, this year is as good as any. Ha ha ha ha ha! Oh man, not even close…and I’ve recently become uncomfortably aware of a wee nagging fear that is starting to grow up around the thought of doing this and I KNEW that would happen if I left it too long!

» Strive to be ever present in my life, paying attention to the adventure as it unfolds. I’m a specialist at living in my head, thinking of where I’m not, not where I am. A partial success I would say, particularly when I was travelling. Being present at home seems a bigger challenge for me. If I’d met the yoga goal this one would have been a lot easier but generally I think I am starting to notice quicker when I go roaming in my head.

OK, so we have divided. Now to conquer! A little goal setting is in order –

• Er, work out what the crepe is going on with my album…either I want to make it or I don’t. If I don’t, fine. If I do, what is stopping me? Find the things that are stopping me and then smack them with a large hard-back book (giant encyclopedias or altas’ are perfect for this!)

• Publish a gosh darn pattern.

• Do NaNoWriMo. Writing is fun. See blog for proof :)

• OK, easy does it. Gently gently catches the bear…or something like that. Do a little yoga. Feel good about it. Contemplate doing a little more. Work from there.

• When in doubt about what to do next stand up, walk to the kitchen and do some dishes. There are always dishes.


Do I Have Something To Learn Here?

Exploring in Barcelona

I read a quote today by Theodore Roethke that said –

“I learn by going where I have to go”

I understand that Roethke is speaking  metaphorically but I couldn’t help but think about this line in terms of place: solid, geographical place.

Place is important to me. I think about it often, usually about where I would like to be, which since graduating college has mainly been America. Yet I have been everywhere but America. Australia, Asia and now I find myself home, again…in Ireland, in a village, in the countryside. Not exactly the cities and fast-pace I yearn for.

Yet I am still here. I can list the reasons why I come home, all practical and well thought-out. I do like it here. It’s beautiful, quiet, a haven for artists. It’s easy to come back to, easy to fall back into step with and lose yourself in the sleepy flow of it.

This quote stopped me though. Am I meant to be here? Am I meant to learn something while I’m here? AM I HERE FOR A REASON?! And if I figure that reason out, if I learn what I need to, would I then naturally move on and find myself a new adventure?

So the question today people is…

Do you come to a place because you have something to learn there?

-> Do you think it’s just coincidence?

-> Do you think it’s an excuse for taking the easy option?

-> Have you ever ended up somewhere for seemly no good reason and something amazing happened?

-> Do you feel the Universe takes you to where you need to be? Or do you need to take yourself?

(read Roethke’s entire poem ‘The Waking’ here)

Creative Prescription: What To Do When You’re Stuck

When it rains, think creatively!

When the dreaded creative block hits and you feel like every inspirational thought has deserted your universe, fear not! I have compiled my favourite pick-me-ups to get the juices flowing again or, at the very least, make you feel better about your day.

If you have any other suggestions I would love to hear them! This is a list that I add to often. I keep it at the back of my journal so I can refer to it anytime I need to.

Don’t run for the doctor when your day is grey, just follow my…

Creative Prescription: What To Do When You’re Stuck

♥ COLLABORATE! If you are stuck, ask for help. People were always saying this to us at music school. Successful artists usually work as part of teams, even if the wider-public isn’t aware of it. Sometimes it can be a solo thing but if you aren’t getting anywhere and you know you have a good idea, share it. If you’re afraid of people steal your ideas, share it with someone you trust or be really clear about what you’re doing…as a song-writing professor at Berklee used to say “Always ask if that bit of help was a gift or a co-write!” Even a call to your best mate, who hasn’t a clue about what you do, can provide a supportive ear, an honest opinion, a brand new angle you hadn’t seen before. Keep a list of people who you trust in this capacity and call on them when needed.

♥ Visit SoulPancake and pick a Creative Challenge to do or answer one of ‘Life’s Big Questions’. Chew over the inportant stuff in life and remember that no matter how big this block seems, it’s not the end of the world.

♥ Collage it! When I get stuck, usually with music or writing, I like to tackle the problem from a different angle and try visualizing it instead. I cut up old magazines or search through Flickr for images that evoke what it is I am trying to express. At the very least, this exercise distracts me from the immediate problem at hand and helps me refocus on what I was trying to capture in the first place. And cutting and sticking is fun, and a little messy!

♥ Read these interviews with novelist Helena Close, craft blogger Lee Meredith and visual artist Susan Moloney.

♥ Laugh. Hard!

♥ Consider if the media you are absorbing today is contributing to your mood. Too much sad TV? Or trashy, brainless shows? Are those lyrics really what your creative self needs to hear right now? I have just shelved a novel I was reading recently (very out of character…I like to finish things I start) set during the Spanish Civil war because I felt I wanted something more cheery to read before bed. Everything has a time and a place and maybe right now you need more Imogen Heap and less Elliot Smith!

♥ When struck with ‘Dunno’-itis I like to bake. The reason for this is three-fold.

  1. Mixing things and making gooey batter is fun. As is licking the spoon after.
  2. Things baking makes your home smell warm and comforting, and your mouth water.
  3. YOU GET TO EAT IT! Yup, you made it so you can eat it…all! And you will have successfully done something quantifiable, useful and filling.

Some of my favourite cheer-me-up bakes are cookies (easy-peasy), almond cake, marshmallow rice crispie squares (make you feel like you’re 6 again, so gooey, no-bake and these ones have EDIBLE GLITTER in them!), pumpkin pie (perfect for this time of year…use the insides of your carved pumpkin) and ofcourse, the old stand-by, fairy cakes.

♥ When the creative meanies strike it often does more than interrupt my work, it ruins my day. Gala Darling’s ‘50 Ways to Rescue The Worst Day Ever‘ are funny, thoughtful and, most importantly, do-able! Whether you would care to admit doing these things or not, they would definitely turn around a sad-face day. A few of my favourites are…

– Cut out pictures of Where’s Wally & paste them up in public (but slightly hidden) places.
– Construct a fort or wigpee & hide in there for a while with your favourite book.
– Dress up like a spy & take photobooth pictures.
– Walk around with a dictaphone & record the weird noises you hear.

Also worth checking out is her article ‘100 Things To Do When You’re Upset – The Sad Trombone List‘.

♥ Elizabeth Gilbert (of ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ fame) talks about creativity, the pressures put on modern creatives and her take on tapping into the creative flow. It makes me feel better to know that I am part of a creative community and that everyone finds it hard sometimes, even best-selling authors!

♥ Most of all, believe in yourself. Goethe said,

“Whatever you think you can do or believe you can do, begin it. Action has magic, grace, and power in it.

Too right!

Who is Hank?

After starring as the eye-candy in my last post, Hank the Cat has become a blogging superstar with his own stalker fan who demanded more Hank in up coming posts (you know who you are!). Good to know people read my blog for what I have to say and not just adorably furry photos!

So who is Hank?

Hank, or Hanky-Panky to call him by his full name, is flatmate to my best mate and sometimes blogger Miss A.

Hank the Cat vs. Julian the Mouse

He is huge! Garfield-sized and extremely fuzzy, he gets a shave every now and then which results in a mane-like halo of fur around his head. You can tell he really likes it though by the way he strutts around after his haircut.

Hank the Cat vs. Bob the Mouse

He lives in Reno, Nevada and spends most of his time pushing things off the top of Miss A’s fridge or plotting daring escape attempts through open windows.

Hank shows his love for knitting

The best part of this story is that Hank is a rescue cat. If Hank hadn’t decided to go home and look after Miss A he would have been put down and I would never have had the pleasure of meeting and sharing a bed with him for two weeks.

Hank has stolen my heart and my knitted mice!

If you are in a position to take a rescue animal into your home and family I urge you to consider it. Often this pets are slightly older when adopted, like Hank, but are wonderfully loving, and grateful to have a home and a caring owner.

To learn more about why you should think about adoption read Gala Darling’s 10 Reasons Why Your Should Adopt a Rescue Animal

Useful Links

8 Reasons I Haven’t Written in 2 weeks

or What I’ve Been Up To!

  1. Knitting – In particular the socks I spoke of in my last post. However the initial  obsession has waned some and I’m now struggling to turn my heels in a timely fashion. 
  2. Procrastination is contagious – and since the heels have been hanging over me unturned, this stalling seeps into all other parts of my creative doings. My blog post unpublished, or worse unwritten, hang over me, in particular…
  3. The ‘Barcelona’ post which I have been meaning to write since getting back from my holiday more than 3 weeks ago. It’s all the photos I need to go through and then upload. The thought just makes me want to…
  4. Watch TV – In particular ‘Jamie’s 30 minute meals’ (drool!), the new season of ‘Grand Designs’ (double drool!) and I have just seen an advert for a new series of ‘Kirstie’s Handmade Home’ starting in Novmber and destined to keep me glued to my couch, cup of tea in hand. TV is dangerous!
  5. Paying the Rent – Don’t worry! I haven’t sat on my arse for the last fortnight. I’ve also been working hard painting a room for my brilliant landlady, who has allowed me to work for my rent. DIY isn’t my natural forte but it was quite a fun way to spend a few days, up a ladder, radio on and paint in my hair.
  6. My Home is My Castle – I finally got my living room sorted out, though not everything is unpacked yet, but it’s feeling more my own now, cosy and cluttered with books and yarn. I’ve even got an entire dining room table with all my crafting stuff set out and a beautiful wide windowsill that I would love to make into a reading seat with squishy cushions. The bedroom is lacking however. It’s just not mine yet.
  7. Learning New Things – I’ve been really lucky this week to get a spinning lesson from my mate Siun who is an amazing spinner and fibre-obsessive! I plyed me some yarn, I carded me some fluffy stuff and IT WAS FUN!
  8. Dreaming of Possibilities – And I have been spending lots of my time day-dreaming of what my blog could become and researching online about how to build a successful blog and create a body of material you can be proud of. Basically I have quite a lot of free time right now (part of the unemployed masses) and I wonder what I could do with my blog. Make it a place for me to write more, publish knitting patterns, plug my music (shameless!), document my travels, explore all things creative and generally wax lyrical about what I enjoy in life. Is this too much for one blog? It’s hardly focused. So I sit around and mull it over and…procrastinate.
Hank the cat…contemplating the world and what to blog next!

Time to kick the procrastination and get working on the creating part me thinks. I plan to blog every day this week to get myself back on the bandwagon and by the end of this week I hope to have more of an idea of what I want to do with this blog. Is it just a glorified diary? Is it just a way of keeping friends and family up-to-date with my comings and goings? Or could it be more? There’s the question for the week.

Right! Off to turn another heel…